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Found 45066 results for any of the keywords california missions. Time 0.009 seconds.
California Mission Background and History - California Mission GuideFrom 1769 to 1823, Spanish soldiers and monks built a total of 21 Missions and 5 Presidios (or military forts), stretching North from Mexico through California.
California Missions Presidios - Alastair Worden, Randy Leffingwell -Rent and save from the world s largest eBookstore. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone.
California Art GalleryCALIFORNIA California State CALIFORNIA.GALLERY California Is Beautiful, Variety Of Terrain, Variety Of People, Variety Of Culture, California Is Great! California.Gallery One Of Kind Artist, Unique Art Gallery,
لاس اینجلس - آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیالاس اینجلس میں متعدد سرکاری نباتات ہیں:
Santa Ana, California - WikipediaAfter the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, Alta California became part of the United States and American settlers arrived in this area. 13
Los Angeles - WikipediaDie administratiewe stadsgebied van Los Angeles strek oor 1 290,6 vierkante kilometer (71 kilometer in noord-suidelike en 47 kilometer in oos-westelike rigting), en die stadswyke en voorstede word deur 'n moderne stelsel
Los Angeles - WikipediaGlasači su 2002. odbili pokušaj otcijepljenja doline San Fernanda i Hollywooda od grada. 44
Λος Άντζελες - ΒικιπαίδειαΤο Λος Άντζελες φιλοξένησε τους θερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες του 1932 και του 1984 και θα φιλοξενήσει την εκδήλωση, για τρίτη φορά, το 2028.
Os Ánxeles - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libreA área máis grande dos Ánxeles acolle a unha zona moito maior, que consta de cinco condados e unha poboación aproximada de 18 millóns de persoas.
Los Angeles - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebasKekaisaran Spanyol 1781–1821 Kekaisaran Meksiko Pertama 1821–1823 Meksiko Serikat 1823–1848 Amerika Serikat 1848–sekarang
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